Wednesday, 21 September 2011

1998 Camry Car Alarm Activates When Changing the Battery?

When changing the battery on my car, a 1998 Toyota Camry, the anti-theft system activates and prevents the car from starting. Since I have dealt with this problem before, I know that there is a series of steps that must be performed with the Key and the red valet button under the dash. My problem is, I don't know what the exact order of these steps is. If anyone knows, it would help a lot.

To clarify, I want to know every single step that needs to be taken from the time you open the hood to remove the old battery to the time when you are able to restart the car with the new battery in place.

The following questions are of particular importance:

-Should the valet switch be OUT or IN when the old battery is removed?

-Should the key be in the ignition each time the valet switch is activated/deactivated?

-What position in the ignition should the key be in when the valet button is pushed?

-What should be the position of the valet switch during daily driving?

You get the picture...1998 Camry Car Alarm Activates When Changing the Battery?get a battery saver or memory saver for the cigarette lighter and you won't have to do these steps again