Friday, 7 October 2011

Dead Battery, Have a new one but my car drains it as well. Need help? could it be a wire causing it?

I have a 1992 Buick La Saber custom. It stop working there is no power going into the car. We thought it was the battery, that maybe it was dead. So we Change the battery and the car started up again. Then a few days later the car stop working once again. So now the only way to start the car is a jumpstart. I don't know what's wrong with the car. I don't know if it could be the wiring or something else? Can anybody help me out here. Dead Battery, Have a new one but my car drains it as well. Need help? could it be a wire causing it?go through the old fuse routine. If you've been reading yahoo answers very long you should have it memorized. Take a fuse out, take the battery cable off and see if it sparks, put the fuse back and routinely do it through the who fuse panel until you come across the offending fuse.
Dead Battery, Have a new one but my car drains it as well. Need help? could it be a wire causing it?
It seems pretty obvious your battery is not being charged. The alternator needs to be checked for functionality.

You are also endangering your new battery, by attempting to use the car with it in a near flat condition.

Car batteries need to be kept as near fully charged as possible, at all times, or they die.
Dead Battery, Have a new one but my car drains it as well. Need help? could it be a wire causing it?
first thing to do is see if any lights stay on that is the glovebox light under the hood light if you have one the inside trunk light if all go out when they should you can disconnect the positive battery cable connect a DC meter from the cable to the battery post and see if you have a drain then start pulling fuses and that will tell which circuit has the problem
With the car running have the alt output checked. It should be 13.5 or above.
Bad Alternator, sounds like its not getting charged when you drive it, hence needing to be jumped.

or there could be a bad connection causing the battery to drain itself.

i would definitely start at the Alternator.