I just got a kinetik battery and it's a hc-1400. when I test it with my multimeter it only shows 6 volts. I know that regular car batteries have 12V. can I use this battery on my car as a replacement? or not? and is there anything I need to know about changing the battery so that I dont mess something up?
This battery is used...so maybe it needs charged?Can I add this kinetic battery in place of my original battery?if it is only a 6 volt battery, you cannot use it. if it is a 12 volt battery that has had a substantial drain, you should not use it( that kind of a drain on a battery will shorten the life of the battery. looking at the web site, they look like camera batteries, with that they will lack the cranking amps to get the engine running. after going through the entire list and not being able to find that part number i still stick to what i said before, you will not be able to use this one.