Monday, 17 October 2011

Changed battery in car and car turns over but won't start?

I have a car that I have not been driving and it has been sitting since October. On Saturday I finally was able to dig her out (plowed in) and needed to start the car with a jump. Car ran and I drove her about 30 miles to my house. Next morning I went to start car but the battery was totally dead.

So I bought a new battery and installed.

The car now turns over but won't catch to start

Then I noticed the battery light comes on when I am trying to start car

I put dry gas in the tank because I am thinking maybe water got in there?

Any ideas about what the trouble could be?Changed battery in car and car turns over but won't start?Need more info, year,make,model,engine.Can you hear the fuel pump come on.If you poor fuel down the t/body ,dose it start.Was there any problems before you parked it.
Changed battery in car and car turns over but won't start?
Well, maybe it's time that the car had a tune-up. The car might need to be upgraded, since by what I read sat for a long time. Is this an old car or new car ? If old, tune-up might be a good solution to your problem. Also, your starter might be wearing out, maybe it's time that you got it replaced. You should go to a mechanic shop and ask somebody there to see what's wrong with it for you. They usually charge a little fee to look at it though, but you won't be sure unless you took it to be checked.

First, have you checked the battery cables, are they corroded, dirty or broken ? If so, they need to be replaced. Have you checked all your fluids and made sure that they're properly filled ?

Well, after you checked the problem that I've listed and nothing still happens. I'd say take in and have it checked it out so you'll know for sure and how much it'll cost you to get fixed. Unless you know somebody that works on cars and knows how to fix whatever the problem may be and save you money.

Hope I helped and good luck with fixing your car !!!

Joseph D :)
Changed battery in car and car turns over but won't start?
barrery may n0ot have the juice to fire it up low cranking amps but if not and it is the correct battery for your car thenid try some starting spray shoot it into the air intake and try it then you may have clogged the gas filter also after sitting so long might need to change it out but try the starting fluid be careful it is very flammable so just shoot it in and go try to start it up
one theory is as follows:

Battery was failing, but still good enough to take a jump start and get you 30 miles. In the process, you pulled in some bad gas, either clogging the filter or gumming up the carb or both. New battery came with a charge in it, but trying to start the engine in the cold ran the charge down to the point where your battery light goes on.

So, charge the battery, shoot some starting fluid in the air intake, and try to start it again. If it catches and runs for a moment and then dies, you have a fuel problem. If it won't catch, try a couple more times, and then test the spark by holding a screw driver in one of the plug wire boots up near the engine block and looking for spark.

Trouble shoot from there.
If the vehicle cranks over good, you have to determine if you have a fuel or ignition problem. An ignition problem - simple to check to see if you have spark at the plugs and a fuel pressure check only takes a few minutes.

Good luck.
Engine is probably flooded. Hold the gas pedal to the floor, and try starting it again. When a battery goes bad, the strain can cause fuel to dump into the engine when voltage is dropping to starter while attempting to start. Good Luck!!
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