changed battery, changed alternator, about a month later, same problem,, the battery is a maintence free sealed one, the alternator new, what else could it be,, it smells like sulfur again My car battery is over charging AGAIN, I replaced the altenator, and put in a new battery, sulfur smell again ?What is added to your electrical system to cause this?
Look for added Equipment. And disconnect or have the radio place install the COMPONENTS correctly, not to a electrical supply to the Fuse box. What is added to the electrical System? Which is not factory installed?
Look for tape, cover-ups, around battery, and under the Dash modifications, and all ad ons.
Change of wire colors, connectors, non factory wiring.
Is the first start I would look for.
Use Factory Alternator, after these have been Viewed and re-checked, and can use a reliabale Component.My car battery is over charging AGAIN, I replaced the altenator, and put in a new battery, sulfur smell again ?Oh no! You too? I have this same problem on an '05 Ford Focus.
What kind of car is yours?My car battery is over charging AGAIN, I replaced the altenator, and put in a new battery, sulfur smell again ?well the first question would be what kind of car is thing is the alternator a NEW one or RE MANUFACTURED one. if you are over charging this usually means the voltage regulator is on th fritz this is sometimes common in a remanufactured alternator if you have an internal one and if you have a external one you can purchase a new one but i would need to know if it has an internal or or External regulatorif it,s overcharging then it must be the voltage regulator.