A toy car motor is usually a permanent magnet motor so yes.
A battery clock is not driven by a motor and a mains clock has an ac synchronous motor so no and no.Can a simple electric motor like a clock or toy car change direction by turning a battery around?If it's a DC motor - most likely it will reverse direction when the polarity is reversed.Can a simple electric motor like a clock or toy car change direction by turning a battery around?I know some can. When our kids were small, we had more than one battery-operated toy that rolled, walked or crawled which could be made to go backward by reversing the batteries.
Reggie the Turtle was the best one, and we kept him.
I've never seen it on a clock, though.Can a simple electric motor like a clock or toy car change direction by turning a battery around?proabably not because then it just wouldnt work at all.*****On a DC motor the direction has to do with the direction of the current. Like the power window motor in a car. The switch determines the DC direction so the window will go up and down. By switching the + and - the motor changes direction. Also the amount of voltage to the motor changes the speed.no. only in a DC power it can change direction. if you are using bettery to power the motor then it will not because the current will not flow through. in AC the current only flows from positive to nagative dirction. you can build a cuircit to convert ac into dc or dc into ac. if you can build a cuirct to convert you bettery power in to DC it wiil work. Note! working with DC power is dangrouse even at 3V bettery suply.