Wednesday 26 October 2011

How often should you change out a car battery is it every 3 or 5 years?

I agree with most of the answers here, you should test your battery maybe 4 times a year or so and when the voltage begins to dip buy a different battery. I do have a suggestion though, buy an optima battery.

They are the best battery you can get, you can mount them sideways or upside down if you want. They also have a shelf life of 12-15 years, when you discharge them completely you don't damage the battery. They are also spill-proof and 15x more vibration resistant. Also the biggest point of all is that all of their redtop batteires have a 36 month warranty. You really can't go wrong, i bought mine about 5 years ago and have never had a problem since.

http://www.optimabatteries.comHow often should you change out a car battery is it every 3 or 5 years?batteries don't need to be changed regularly. best bet is to load test it when you service the engine. And also check the voltage output from your alternator. It should be between 12.8-13.8 v.
How often should you change out a car battery is it every 3 or 5 years?
There is no definite time period on a battery exchange . Too many factors control the life of a battery . All you can do is watch it . I have had one last as long as 6 years and as short as 6 months .
How often should you change out a car battery is it every 3 or 5 years?
there is no set time just always do a charging system test and keep the cables and clamps clean and free of corrosion a weak charging system or excess load on the system like huge power amps or off road lights take a toll on a battery
Most batteries are stamped with the life span. Now whether they last the full stamped life is doubtful. Id say change it every 4 years, 3 if you live in an extreme climate. There is also something to be said for the quality of the battery you buy and the life span.
it all depends on the climate, its the opposite of what you would think, if you live in hotter climates, you will need to change much more often, every 3 years to be safe, if you live in colder climates, you can go for up to 6 years, but thats pushin it.
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  • I think my car battery is dying?

    Few days ago my %26quot;service Engine Soon%26quot; light came on. I think it's referring to the battery because recently the automatic door locks don't work automatically and the radio doesn't work now..the dashbaord lights are dim. How long can I keep driving before I have to change the battery?I think my car battery is dying?Drive it until it dies and wont restart. THEN, you'll know it's time.

    NOW, for the REAL answer:

    Take the car to a competent mechanic and have it fixed. Stop being a cheapo. You're going to end up walking if you neglect your car this way.
    I think my car battery is dying?
    first of all, if your battery goes bad it wouldnt make your check engine light come on.

    as for the battery the only way to check it is to use a voltmeter on it. see how much volts and amps its running and how much resistance it has, or best yet, take it to auto zone and they will do this for free.

    if its running low because altinator isnt working, here is an easy test.

    first, start the car, while its running, unhook the positive wire from the battery. if it dies rite away, then your alternator is gone, and this is why your battery is going down. this means your car is running off the battery alone, and after it drains the battery, the car stalls.

    if it stays running, alternator is fine and its just the battery.
    I think my car battery is dying?
    your battery shouldnt just die. it might be an alternator problem. go to the autoparts store, and they can tell you exactly why the light is on for free
    first thing to do is go the the parts store and have them test both the battery and alternator.sound like the alternator is dieing,so get it done fast before you get stuck along side the road and have to pay for a towing bill on top they alternator replacement.
    I'd guess it's the alternator; a new one is expensive but you can pick them up cheap from breaker's yards.

    My gas gauge needle did a 360 after I changed my battery and drops down when I turn off the car?1997 Malibu?

    I changed my battery and my gas gauge needle did a 360 and bumps the back of the peg. When I turn off the car the needle drops down. What happened and how do I make the gauge normal again?My gas gauge needle did a 360 after I changed my battery and drops down when I turn off the car?1997 Malibu?Did you check if the battery is connected correctly????

    You can buy a battery that looks identical to your old batt

    but on closer inspection you may notice the pos %26amp; neg battery posts are on different sides from original - look closer.
    My gas gauge needle did a 360 after I changed my battery and drops down when I turn off the car?1997 Malibu?
    Try taking the battery terminals off your battery for about 5 minutes. this might reset the brain that controls the gauge.
    My gas gauge needle did a 360 after I changed my battery and drops down when I turn off the car?1997 Malibu?
    i have had the same problem myself. take a paper clip and bend it to go through the hole around the odometer reset. gently turn the needle counterclockwise back to normal position. it will be fine

    Is my car battery dead!! Please help ASAP!!!!! Easy 10 Pts?

    I went to start my car and the music came on, I was able to roll my windows down, but my car wouldn't start. I tried to turn the key again and it gave me a clicking noise. Is this just the battery? I've had the car for 4 years and never changed the battery, or does this sound like another problem? Please help!Is my car battery dead!! Please help ASAP!!!!! Easy 10 Pts?It deff. sounds like the battery most batterys only have a life of about 48 months (less if the tempature is extream or the electrical demand of the car is high) I would reccomend changing the battery and when you change it go to your local autoparts store and have them test the altenator they will do it for free(just to make sure everything is OK)
    Is my car battery dead!! Please help ASAP!!!!! Easy 10 Pts?
    Battery is dead.... Get a jump
    Is my car battery dead!! Please help ASAP!!!!! Easy 10 Pts?
    Try wiggling the battery cables where they meet the battery
    Sounds like it is time to replace the battery. Buy a quality battery. It will last a lot longer than a generic or Wal Mart battery.
    it is probably the battery. if it was the starter you wouldn't hear the clicking.
    get new battery and clean the cables.
    replace battery first (it might have some juice but not eno cranking amps to actually start the engine)

    if that doesnt do it replace starter.
    Undo the cables on the battery and clean them. Make sure there is no corrosion. Even if there is none clean them with a wire brush. retighten the cables and start the car. If that doesnt work have auto zone or someone check the battery to make sure it is good or put a new one. If that doesnt work check ur alternator.

    if you can reach the starter, take something like a small hammer and tap on the starter, they stick sometimes, also check the battery terminals to make sure they are clean and tight.
    try tightening the battery terminal first, if it doesn't do the job get a new battery.
    just wiggle your cables and try if that doesnt help your battery is dead sir.

    this is a quick 50 dollars gone but if you need it now you can jump it. just doesnt run off that it for long will ruin your alternator. pump a lot of the times it will charge after your jump it so if it starts after like 30 minutes of running it you probably dont need a battery
    if electrical equipment (windows, radio, etc) worked fine, then it's most likely not the battery. sounds like it's probably the starter. try jumping it. if it starts, you need a new battery or alternator. if you get the same problem, it's the starter
    it sounds like the battery, but there is one other thing that can do that. If you have a manual transmission, try getting the car rolling and putting it in gear.

    The purpose is to kind of jar things around. Sometimes (I ahve only seen it twice in my life) the starter gets in a bad position, and it wont do anything. Get stuff moved around, and it works fine.

    But, most likely, it is your battery. Not quite dead, but not enough juice to get the car started.
    maybe battery contacts loose maybe something left on overnight.

    when you get started make sure the alternator is charging the battery

    if all is good and problem comes back test battery or just get a new one

    After changing starter, my car acts as if there is no battery.?

    Two days ago the car had trouble starting.. I'd turn the key and there would just be a clicking noise. After a few turns the car would start and be perfectly normal. Then, today, it wouldn't start at all... Same clicking noise but wouldn't start at all. So, I bought a new starter, installed it exactly how the old one was installed. I don't know if this matters but I initially forgot to unhook the battery before I installed the new starter and I did get a bit of a shock.. but I quickly got up and unhooked it then finished the job.

    When I got back in, thinking everything would be fine... I turn the key and nothing! No lights, no noises... As if there was no battery hooked up at all. The battery is a brand new red-top, there's no way that it's dead. I took it down off the jack-stands and tried to start it again and it started with two tries. I let it sit for a few minutes then shut it off and tried to start it again and now.... it's back to no power at all.

    Any ideas?

    Car specs:

    1996 Saturn SC2, 140K milesAfter changing starter, my car acts as if there is no battery.?You have a bad ground. Check your black wire on the battery, check connection at battery and follow cable down till it stops. Connection on that wire is bad somewhere or your red wire is arcing somewhere.
    After changing starter, my car acts as if there is no battery.?
    when you forgot to disconnect the battery and you got a spark, more than likely you blew a fuse, or many. look through both fuse boxes and see if you can find a blown fuse and replace any that are bad. i had this happen to me when i was replacing my ignition switch. i blew a 40 amp fuse and had the same results. NOTHING worked.
    After changing starter, my car acts as if there is no battery.?
    It sounds like the battery or the cable is bad. Or the starter relay or solenoid it bad.
    Are you sure you didn't pop 1 of the 2 ign 30A fuses? There are usually two power cables going to the battery lead that hooks to the starter, are you sure you haven't left one off by accident?
    check the fusible links

    After a battery change , how do I reset the immobiliser as when new battery is connected the car wont let me s

    the battery was off all night for a charge and now when i connect it the indicator lights flash (immobiliser?) and the key fob will not turn it off??

    please helpAfter a battery change , how do I reset the immobiliser as when new battery is connected the car wont let me sTell us the make and model/year and we might be able to give you the answer!
    After a battery change , how do I reset the immobiliser as when new battery is connected the car wont let me s
    try using your key on the pass door lock,then start
    After a battery change , how do I reset the immobiliser as when new battery is connected the car wont let me s
    Normally the electronic door key will reset it when you open the car, if your key fob does not work you may have to get a garage to reset it
    Varies from car to car, for example a 306 needs to have the key in the ignition with it turned on to the first position, then you need to press the central locking button on the key.

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  • Consequences of connecting wrong terminals on car' battery?

    The battery of my car was almost dead and i tried to charge it with a jump cable(by connecting it to other car's battery).But by mistake i connected wrong terminals on batteries which heated up jump cable giving a spark and some fumes.

    Then,i changed terminals but now battery is not getting any charge even after 5 minutes.I want to know what consequences could be there of connecting wrong terminals when charging?and when i try to start it with self it gives a sound in engine but doesnt start.

    Any help?Consequences of connecting wrong terminals on car' battery?Burn up the computer and radio.
    Consequences of connecting wrong terminals on car' battery?
    zap...take to shop or junk it,,,,

    1 your gona need a new battery

    2 computer may be fried [500 to 2000 dollars]

    3 other electrical parts may be fried... starter 300 dollars,,,alternator 300 dollars...wiring..many hours and 80 to 100 an hour

    sorry for your expensive lesson
    Consequences of connecting wrong terminals on car' battery?
    At the very least, you probably fried the battery. That's no big deal because it was already shot anyway, right? Your Engine control module might be blown, too. That's big bucks! Good luck.
    Now the other stuff listed is true but also is a bunch of bull.

    before you go and pay all that money and have to set in a room for hours, just go find your self another set of cables and try it agian. ; )