Friday, 16 September 2011
Should I just change the car battery? My car made a loud rattling noise while driving, then...?
then the battery warning light came on. Should I be aware of the noise came under the hood? I left my car at near gas station. Thank you all for your help.Should I just change the car battery? My car made a loud rattling noise while driving, then...?Sounds like the alternator belt came off.Should I just change the car battery? My car made a loud rattling noise while driving, then...?chances are that the anchor system that held your battery firmly in place broke or came loose. check to see that your battery is firmly secure. check you battery with a volt meter if it shows 15 volts you're okay. if not replace and make sure it is securely mounted properly. good luck!Should I just change the car battery? My car made a loud rattling noise while driving, then...?sound wouldnt have anything to do with battery but a belt or pulley as broken most likely the pulley came a part easy to check and replace both belt and pulley can buy a new one any parts store its not the batterySound like the alternater went out.If your belt didi indeed come off, check all pulleys to make sure they turn freely. I have had the AC compressor lock up and burm up my belt, I have had water pump bearing go out and rattle like crazy. Could be a multitude of things, but check all pulleys. If it is the AC, you can buy a belt even serpentine to bypass the AC unit until you get it need to give more details car make, year, and model. it sounds like a broken beltBeing aware, it seems you are and being concerned? Yes you should be concerned. You should have opened the hood to see if there is/was anything that is/was visibly wrong. Situations like that it is a very good idea to investigate the problem incase there is a possible fire hazard or oil leaking hazard on the pavement or who knows what else. Sooner or later someone will have tio open the hood to find the problem. Sooner is better if ya know what I mean .... if you like your car. Also if there is a really weird noise you havent' heard before wether it comes from under the car or the front of the car or in the rear of the car, it would be a good idea to pull over in a safe spot and investigate the noise and or vibration.You need to change your alternator, the battery light means the battery is not charging. alternators cost about $ 150 200 Good Luck And God Bless You