Saturday, 24 September 2011

What are signs that I need to replace my battery cables and car battery?

Well I just want to know what performance issues that will occur that will indicate that I need a new battery and performance issues that would indicate that I to change my battery cables...What are signs that I need to replace my battery cables and car battery?The battery is used mainly to start the car, otherwise most, if not all, of the power is coming from the alternator. If you are having trouble starting your car, you might have a battery problem (but keep in mind, if the alternator is going bad, it may not be charging the battery properly.)

If you suspect a bad battery, most places that sell batteries will also test them for you for free. Take your car over and have it checked out. A lot of them can also check your alternator for you, as well.

If the cables look rotted or damaged, ou should change them. Check that the clamps are clean and making good electrical contact wit hthe battery posts. If you don't know what I mean or how to check this, take your car over to your newest car parts store, ask them to check your battery, alternator and battery cables for you. They will check it for you and help you get whatever parts you need to fix it up.
What are signs that I need to replace my battery cables and car battery?
are your cables old? if you have to keep jump starting your car, your battery is most likely running out of juice