Yesterday I drove my car about half a mile, when I got back in, it didn't start - lights dimmed and wouldn't tick over. Called out my rescue company and they said it was a dead battery and charged it up - enough to get me back home.
Changed the battery today and car is starting fine but now there is a funny sound, like a belt isn't going round properly. Does anyone have any ideas? Hope it isn't going to be too expensive!!
thanks.What has happened to my car - battery problem now sounds like a belt is broken...?Sounds like the alternator bearings are going out or you have a bad serpentine belt.. have your mechanic check the alternator and belt..What has happened to my car - battery problem now sounds like a belt is broken...?have you alternator output checked and make sure it is charging over 12.7 -14 volts, you may have a bad alternator also which drained the battery. if not checked and the new battery runs low on power you will get stuck again.What has happened to my car - battery problem now sounds like a belt is broken...?Look at the belt that drives the alternator while the engine is running. It should run true and smoothly. If it looks like it jumping or wobbling then shut off the car and tighten it. Shouldn't have more than 1/2%26quot; deflection in it's longest span.thare is the posablety that the alt is freezing up in the barrings and caseing your belt to slip or possablew your belt is streched and is sliping when the alt is trying to charge your battiery hope this has been of some help good luck with your chargeing problem and if you have a serpentine belt it could also be the belt tenshaner that is not working quite rightif the guy from the rescue co had been worth his salt he should have tested the charge rate and noticed a dodgy belt.It depends on your car which you did not mention. But check the %26quot;serpentine belt%26quot;. That is the belt that turn all the nessesary items needed to get your car running smooth. Sometime the belt will get out of alignment. It is only one belt, but it is wound around all the components. And tightened by a Tension roller. You may need a new belt. You might as well have one installed . it can only help . Won't hurt. These belts have ridged surfaces which fit into the pullys in perfect alignment.It looks like your battery is not recharged as it should while the engine is working. You should be notified somehow (some signal) if something is wrong with automatic recharging battery. It might be bad alternator. Maybe its bearings have gone, so it cannot revolve as it should, significantly increased friciton (the noise). Maybe alternator belt is loosened (the noise). Maybe voltage regulator is faulty. Anyway, it shouldn't be expensive...though, it depends on what car this is all about.start the car, pop the hood, and look at the belt(s). do they all seem to travel straight. or is one zig zagging? also, hen the car is off, inspect the belts. look at both sides. do they seem dry rotted or worn?Well open the hood, start the car and look at the pulleys. Are thy all turning, if not seek out a repair place and get it checked.I don't know what the sound of a belt which is broken is. I don't know what a belt which is not going around properlly sounds like either. But you can have a look and see. Be sure to appraoch the operating engine with caution. Watch out for long hair or hanging jewlry or clothing. You want to look a the belts--not get caught in them. Looking alone however is safe. So when you come to terms with th4 danger look to see if the belts are going around in an orderly fashion or jumping or wobbling or anything. If there is a noise, it should be obvious. Idf there belts were not topuched there should be no problem. If there is a squealing a belt could be loose or glazed ( worn out) which could have caused the original breakdown. However, a new battery is usually a good thing to have. If the belt just needs tightening that's very cheap. Replacing a belt is also not a lot.