Saturday, 24 September 2011

I have a 2000 Honda Civic. Last week the car would not start at all. I changed the battery and nothing. HELP!?

I tried changing the battery, that didn't work. I have NO POWER at all. The interior light's won't turn on. I had a hard time even putting it in neutral. I finally did when I pop the cap on the stick, now I can get it in Neutral.

The only things that work on the car are the Break lights and Hazards. My keyless enrty won't even work.I have a 2000 Honda Civic. Last week the car would not start at all. I changed the battery and nothing. HELP!?have you gone through your fuses?
I have a 2000 Honda Civic. Last week the car would not start at all. I changed the battery and nothing. HELP!?
If all your fuses both under the hood and underneath your driver side dashboard look fine, you may just need a small boost of more amps to get things moving. Bring another vehicle next to your car and run it on idle then jumpstart your battery, and see if your car will start up.

Make sure aircon, fans, headlights, alarm system, amplifiers, and anything else that may drain a lot of power is turned off or disabled before starting your car.

If that doesn't help, don't overdo it or your jumper cables may begin to get very hot. Instead, consider borrowing or buying a good battery charger. Even new batteries aren't always guaranteed to be fully charged.

I have another car that I don't use much but often jumpstart to get started and sometimes it doesn't work either but charging the battery after several hours from your home outlet always works like a charm.

Some cars only start well when they have the right battery juiced up to full capacity. Good luck!
I have a 2000 Honda Civic. Last week the car would not start at all. I changed the battery and nothing. HELP!?
you need to call a garage, have them tow the car to the garage, and then you will have your car fixed....unless you are a mechanic you will not be able to fix your car......
Fusible link burned.