Wednesday, 21 September 2011

When should I change my car battery?

I bought my vehicle new with 2 miles. It is a 2004 Dodge Neon and now it has 105,000 miles. The battery still works okayWhen should I change my car battery?If your battery is not yet showing some sign of getting weak or giving you a problem in starting, i think you can still use it for a couple of more months. But if you want to be more safe, you can replace it now, it already served you 5 long years. Hope this helps!
When should I change my car battery?
You need the battery tested. As it get older it builds up corrosion on the plates, that builds internal resistance. That causes the battery put out less amperage and voltage that the car needs. The colder it get the harders it gets even for brand new batteries. The extreme cold causes the battery to try to work harder than if it was not so cold.
When should I change my car battery?
i did the same thing and now my van have 107.000 and still fires right up every-time but when a vehicle starts having problems starting it is more then likely time to change the battery and if your vehicale doesnt have a voltage guage as most vehicales do then you can watch to see if your lights go kinda dimm and if you run the air and lights and so on does the voltage guage go down to a low amp these are signs of wear and tear onthe battery and wouldnt hurt anything if you up graded to a longer life battery and a little bit more cranking amps and better cold starts and starting power hope this helps thanks............
if its still operating properly, run it till it starts showing signs of going out. sometimes they start getting to where they wont turn the car over as fast, or you will start seeing it going dead alot sooner than normal.

if you just want a piece of mind that you wont get stranded, and can afford it. replace the battery and use the old one in the boat to run the trolling motor.

usually average battery life is 3 to 5 years.
You get a new battery when the old battery no longer starts the car. They can last a long, long time and no one replaces a battery until it doesn't work anymore.
The battery is 6 years old. I would replace it. Does the battery have a

sticker on it saying how many months it is good for?
Replace the battery when it dies and won't make your car start. Get a decent car too, a Dodge Neon is pretty high on the dangerous car list.
perhaps you should keep the battery and buy a new car?