Friday, 16 September 2011

Lost car radio code after changing my car battery. Need code. Please help. Thanks?

Description: Nissan CH916 Clarion PN-9939Y Radio Cassette

Radio Make: Clarion

Car Make: Nissan

Car Model: AlmeraLost car radio code after changing my car battery. Need code. Please help. Thanks?You need to give the last four digits of the barcode.

If there are two bar codes then it's the lower one.
Lost car radio code after changing my car battery. Need code. Please help. Thanks?
Get a quote from the garage? but you will find ebay cheaper probably and you can buy the codes on there.

Put in your car make radio code and it will come up.

PS You may need to get the radio out for a serial no? then you need the tools so u may end up at a garage??
Lost car radio code after changing my car battery. Need code. Please help. Thanks?
Go to the dealer who sold you the car.
try 4567 no joke